Blog Entry #14
March 10, 2016
Presented my Project Runthrough to the class. I did get some good feedback returned to. Among this included the following:
- 1. Users would prefer an interface that is 180 degrees rather than 180 degrees.
- 2. Users would like a better scope of everything that the project would do on the site.
- 3. One thing I will need to be cautious about is the size of the project. Too large, and it can become cumbersome for the program to run.
- 4. My original idea of rendering sites in the VR application by going onto the internet and grabbing the information is not a good idea. It would be better to "rebuild" the sites and demos in the app.
With the scope of the project, I will review over the requirements for my project and create a general scope of what the project will do from that.