Photo Album Generator

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Have you ever captured more photos than were actually necessary? This happens very frequently, and can use much more storage space and take much longer to sort through than necessary. This project seeks to develop a "memories" application that can sort through all of these images and try to figure out which ones might be the most relevant or might be the most desired out of all of them. Click on the "Project" tab to see more detailed information!

Project Developer:
Joshua Joncas

Philosophy Statement:
Knowing how things work and solving problems have always been mindsets that have interested me. I have been around computing devices my entire life, whether it was games, or school related assignments. I began being exposed to software development almost 10 years ago and it struck a bit of interest in me, but seemed very complicated at the time. When I entered St. Norbert, I was not really sure which path I was going to pursue. When I switched my major to Computer Science in my sophomore year, I felt right at home. I enjoy brainstorming through the countless number of ways I can solve any given problem and deciding which way might work the best.

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