Project Description: Design a mobile app that can detect stress triggers and encourage us to "slow down" suggesting stress reducting techniques.
General Requirements: 1. Investigate the reasons for stress and anxiety on the CNS campus by interviewing staff in Health and Wellness and how they are addressing the problems. 2. Ask your peers. Do students regard this as an issue that might affect their performance in classes and life in general? What do students report as stress and anxiety triggers? What features would they like to see in a stress app? 3. Identify triggers or indicators that might be indicators of stress for your app. 4. Perform an analysis of potential triggers that the app could detect and how it should react. Include users in the analysis. 5. Interface the app with sensor data from Fitbit. 6. Provide aggregate data to help look for patterns. 7. Include usability tests with students in your analysis and design. 8. Determine how to measure the effectiveness of the app. 9. Check out projects from 2016 and 2017. |