- Aldo Gonzalez
3/13 GUI and initial image reading
After remembering that I need a virtual environment to do pip installs, I finally got my GUI running using Tkinter (a Python library). It's not so bad for basic elements so far, and it looks like it has all I'd need. I changed the window title, put a heading, and displayed an image.
I also found how to use the Pillow Python library to get the format, mode, and size of an image.
More importantly, that library also allows me to store all of the pixels into an array (x*y). I tested it by printing a spot where a red pixel is. It returns the RGB in tuple form, with an expected 255 for R.
Next steps:
splitting the image
testing out more RGB/pixel things
possibly accepting user-input for images so I don't hardcode (not sure if I need it testing-wise, but it'd be a useful thing to test)