Long Time, No Meme

Hey hey, people, apologies for the delay in posting. I'm sure everyone is getting caught up in their own activities and such, but I have been simply swamped. Let's get to the meat and potatoes: Ya…

Crunch Time

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GE7QYc9HfM Haha, old meme So I have found a solid solution to our looney tunes problem! When gravity is a suggestion, make it a demand. I upped the force of gravity to approx. 5000 times Earth's…


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAe2Q_LhY8g As funny as it is seeing my VR objects launch into the horizon, I figure it's about time to stop playing pool with looney tunes physics. You can add mass to objects to weigh them…

Snap back to Reality

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fV3nflAQ99w There goes my sanity. After 5 weeks of absolutely no progress, 20 hours of export errors, and several nights of uninstalling and reinstalling android studio, it happened. Ladies and gentlemen, we did it. I am…

I Am My Own Boss

My boss(me) is completely oblivious. He holds me to impossible deadlines and wonders why nothing ever gets done on time. Like, he is completely inexperienced, just look at this PERT chart he made me: What a…

The Mudpie Manual

“As the child delights in his mud pie, so the adult enjoys building things, especially of his own design.”Frederick P. Brooks, JR. in The Mythical Man-Month This week I have been looking at different documentation for…

It Begins

hehe In terms of progress on VR Billiards, we have no progress :(. In terms of figuring out the VR software within Unreal Engine, we have progress :). Last week I acquired some textbooks about Unreal…

Hello VR

The VR experience so far has been a harsh reality. From firewalls to outdated sources, it has been a rough start. Luckily, the power of experience has come to save me. I have gotten a wide…