Home History Theory Program Group Sources

  Some active sites to check out these programs:

    > 20 Questions

    > Online ELIZA

    > Jabberwacky

    > ALICE

Chatbots can be found on AIM under usernames SmarterChild, Moviefone, and Spleak to name a few.

Here's a list of some programs and projects that were made involving AI:

    > Pictures Archive

A.L.I.C.E. - a natural language processing chatterbot.

Deep Blue - a chess-playing computer developed by IBM which beat Garry Kasparov in 1997.

ELIZA - a computer program by Joseph Weizenbaum, that acted as a psychotherapist.

I-X - a systems integration architecture project for the creation of intelligent systems at AIAI, University of Edinburgh.

Jabberwacky - a chatterbot by Rollo Carpenter, which would try to simulate humans.

Mycin - a medical expert system.

PARRY - another early chatterbot by Kenneth Colby, that acted as a paranoid schizophrenic.

Proverb - a system that can solve crossword puzzles.

SEAS (Synthetic Environment for Analysis and Simulations) - a model of the real world used by Homeland security
and the US Defense Department that uses simulation and AI to predict and evaluate future events and courses of action.

SYSTRAN - a machine translation technology by a company of the same name.  It is used by Yahoo!, AltaVista,
Google, many others.

TD-Gammon - a program that plays backgammon and became very good, partly by playing against itself.

Virtual Woman - the oldest continuous form of virtual life — a chatterbot, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, video
game, and virtual human.

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© Artificial Intelligence Group, 2007