CSCI 225 - Machine Organization

Projects 2016




Josh Lamack, John McGorey, Emily Simon

Network Security: Behind the Scenes

Thursday, Nov 17, 10:00am in GMS L133

Securing a network is an ongoing process, with new threats arising all the time. Do you know how your data is being protected, or what threats are working against you? In our presentation, we will discuss some basic breaches of network security and how to defend against them, with a specific emphasis on firewalls.

Renae Metke, Brett Milinski, Trever Schaut


Autonomous Vehicles

Thursday, Nov 17, 10:20am in GMS L133

As technology progresses, so does the way in which people navigate. In the past, all of these changes have involved human operated transportation such as horses, bikes, trains, planes, and automobiles.  In recent times, there has been an ever increasing shift from human operated vehicles towards autonomous vehicles. Technological advances in cameras and sensors have allowed the fantasy of autonomous vehicles to all but become a reality. Join us at our presentation as we expand on what the future of autonomy has to offer.

Sara Dziubek, Jade Hellin, Alyssa Khor


Human Computer Interface Design

Thursday, Nov 17, 10:45am in GMS L133

Human Computer Interface Design is the study of how humans interact with computer/technological devices and to what extent computers are developed in order to have a successful user experience. There are many different forms of hardware and software that have been built and implemented in order to make computers easier to use.  The designs are constantly changing in order to create more efficient devices even as the hardware and software actually become more complex.

Chris Chigi, Justin Conley, Mason Sinkula

Secure Encryption

Thursday, Nov 17, 11:05am in GMS L133

Have you ever wanted to portray a message without others reading the contents of the message? Did you ever hope to hide a letter from your parents, friends, or people in general? Encryption is an age old concept that allows for someone to hide the contents of a message in a multitude of ways. Using a collection of filters and keys, it is possible for someone to completely hide the true meaning of a message. It is even possible for an encrypted message to be so dense that it can’t be deciphered without a key. Encryption has been used time and time again by various militaries, hackers, and everyday citizens with nothing better to do. Are you one of those bored citizens with nothing better to do, because if so, encryption may just be for you!

Harris Kelly

Interactive Hardware Devices

Thursday, Nov 17, 11:30am in GMS L133

This presentation will focus the various hardware devices we use to interact with computers. We will focus on the mouse, touch interface, and track pad. A lesser emphases will be placed on remotes, video game controllers, and joysticks. We will examine the hardware of the device itself and it passes information to the computer. We examine how the computer interprets the information and how programs within the computer interpret the same information differently. 

Ben Engelstad, Bryan Nolan

Algorithms and Procedural Generation

Friday, Nov 18, 12:00pm in GMS L133

Procedural Generation is the method of creating data algorithmically as opposed to the developer manually creating it. Procedural generation is mainly used in the video games we play, and in the movies we watch. Without it the entertainment industry as a whole would look very different from what we see today. 



John Bargo, William Gallagher, Joe Mohr

Creation of the Third Dimension

  Friday, Nov 18, 12:25pm in GMS L133

Graphics cards have four main components: a motherboard connection, a processor (CPU), memory, and a monitor connection.  When you combine these four parts, the graphics card is able to translate the binary data of the CPU into an image on the monitor. Complex algorithms are used in this process. Graphics cards have grown in power and uses since they were first developed for the Atari game (they have also grown in price). We will examine different types of graphics cards and how they work.