Luke Opperman


100 Grant St.
De Pere, WI 54115


To share and gain experience with an energetic company or department focusing on internet application programming.

Employment Highlights

Lead Programmer – Exodus Group, LLC (June 2001 - Present)

Programming and database design for numerous web-enabled business applications, multimedia kiosks, and internal management products. Development in Python, Coldfusion, MSSQL, PostgreSQL, XML, RDF, XSLT, Linux and Windows platforms.


Lab and Hardware Support Assistant - St. Norbert College (August 1999 - August 2000)

Provided in-person and phone-based support and information for students and faculty, in a computer lab environment and on-location across campus. Maintenance, inventory, upgrades for Windows and Apple systems.


Lead Student Technology Assistant - Vancouver School District (Feb 1999 - June 1999)

Co-leader of student-managed support for faculty and student end-users, and occasional network maintenance. Installation, troubleshooting for Windows and Apple hardware and software. Taught web design class covering HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


Technical Support Representative - Interlink Internet Services (Feb 1998 - August 1998)

Ensured timely and correct responses to customer inquiries and concerns via phone and email for local ISP as part of support team. Included office work, sales of service, service installation assistance, and ongoing technical support. Later supervised other support staff in similar duties. Also emergency maintenance of network hardware and software in a FreeBSD, Linux, and Livingston/Cisco environment.


Knowledge and Skills                                                                               (Knowledge Level scale 1 to 5)

Programming Languages 

C++ (4)             C (4)                 x86 Assembly (3)           Perl (3.5)           Python (4)         VB (2)

HTML    (4)        JavaScript/DOM (4)        Java (2)             Coldfusion (4)    Scheme (2.5)     XML/XSLT (3)


Operating Systems

Linux (4.5)         FreeBSD (3)                  MacOS (3)

MS-DOS (4)      Windows 3.1/95/98/2000 (4.5)


Hardware and Networking

Extensive experience with x86 and peripheral hardware (386 to latest technology). Network installation at home and for local business, including ethernet wiring, network hardware installation and maintenance, firewall and internet sharing setup.



St. Norbert College - De Pere, WI

1999-Present. One year from completion of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Fine Arts minor. Classes: C++ Software Engineering, File and Data Structures, Operating Systems, Machine Architecture/Assembly Language, Database Modeling, more. Service Chair and Secretary of Computer Club.


Clark College and Centralia College - Vancouver/Centralia, WA

1997-1999. 6 trimesters towards an Associate of Arts, emphasis Graphic Design.


Hudson’s Bay High School - Vancouver, WA

Graduated 1999. GPA 3.75.


Available on request.