Installing My Web Program
To Install my web program you will need to run the setup file.
When setting up you might want to change to name from pantilt to webapplication2 so that if you are using my web page to link it will make it a little easier to configure.
After this continue on the steps below
Start Here for Modifying My Program
Once that is done with you need to goto c:\inetpub\wwwroot\[program name]
In there you need to create a new folder called databases. In that folder you need to take from c:\inetpub\wwwroot\[program name] the website.mbl file and put it into the databases folder.
Once this is done with you can close everything.
To configure IIS is quite a little task. First you need to go to start->Administrative Tools->Internet Information Services (IIS).
Once open open the + mark that shows your local computer. Then open the one for Web Sites and the one for Default Web Site.
Right click on the default web site and select properties. From here you need to go to the Home Directory tab and click to make sure that both read and write positions are checked. When closing if it asks which files to apply to just have it do it to all of them. This is shown below.
Once this is done you need to do the same for your web application. Go down to the tab for your application name, right click and choose properties. Make sure that both read and write permissions are there and then press ok. Also, if under Application Name the create button is able to be pressed, then you need to press it before exiting. (this is only going to be if you copy and paste my project instead of using the .exe). This process is shown here.
Lots of steps, but its all worth it...
So the next step now is to configure your permissions. You need to right click on your web application once again and this time go to All Tasks->Permissions Wizard... You need to follow through this wizard and make sure that users have read and write permissions. The next two pictures show all of this.
Once this is done you are ready to actually run the program.
an easy way to run it is to go to http:\\localhost\[program]\webform1.aspx
otherwise you can lookup your IP address and do it that way.