CS460--Senior Capstone |
Week 1--Jan.
23-29 On Tuesday we got our topics from Dr.
Pankratz. Now it's time to start the research and get back to him to
verify the project...
Week 2--Jan.
30-Feb. 5 More research...time
to go talk to Prof. Blahnik, and get my "starter
code" from him. Will start reviewing both this code
and the code I found online.
Week 3--Feb.
6-12 The plan is to get
up to speed on the information that is out there and
start pressing forward on my own and actually getting
this project going.
Week 4--Feb. 13-19
Hope to have the edge detection
algorithm done by the end of this week, so I can show only the edges and
"clean up" everything else on the image.
Week 5--Feb. 20-26
Next will be time to move to still
images. Want to be able to detect clean edges in the image, so I can find
out where the edges are and center myself on an object.
Week 6--Feb.
27-Mar. 5
Continuing on still images...will
hopefully be moving from an initial still image to multiple still images
and trying to make sure that the orientation of the object in the image
won't affect my results.
Week 7--Mar. 6-12
If possible will finish up work on
still images and start working with a "live-feed" (i.e. webcam).
Week 8--Mar. 13-19
Will continue working with a
webcam, but still probably not mobile.
Week 9--Mar. 20-26
SPRING BREAK--not so exciting this
year...I'll be sitting at home getting better after surgery and working on
my capstone project (along with all my other homework)...sounds truly
exciting, doesn't it?
Hopefully can go mobile at this point with a laptop and the
webcam...if I can get up and moving around soon enough after
surgery...we'll see how this goes.
Week 10--Mar.
27-Apr. 2
Will have to "modularize" my code
and test and debug to iron out any minor flaws that I can find.
Week 11--Apr.
Testing and debugging, continued...
Week 12--Apr.
This week will be full of
documentation writing and making sure that people who look at my work will
be able to understand what I did.
Week 13--Apr.
Since next week are the
presentations, this week will consist of preparing the presentation
speech, and making my work look pretty and presentable.
Week 14--Apr.
Demos and Presentations--time to
show the college and the public what I've done in CS460.
Week 15--May
Final project defense--time to
defend what I've done all semester.
Week 16--May
Finals Week...Only one final for
me! :) Reflect on a unique and incredible learning experience and feel
proud knowing I survived and completed the capstone course (certainly hope
this goes as planned!!) Oh yeah....and of course, gotta throw graduation
in there at the end :)