Object Matching with Faces


Program Outline

I. Input pictures into system
     A.Load/Open a picture into the program
     B.User clicks on picture to indicate where some defining characteristics are
     C.Other characteristics can be identified with checkboxes or other controls
     D.Save picture into storage system
     E.Search for matches
II. Storage system of pictures and their info
     A.First store pics in order of entry using a delineated text file
     B.Later use a database
III. Search for matching pictures
     A.Search is based on the characteristics of the faces
     B.Search algorithm will use levels of reliabilty - certain characteristics are weighted differently
     C.Results are displayed by likelihood of a match

Scope/Subtask Analysis

My project is object matching, specifically to see whether a mug shot matches with any pictures in a stored collection of mug shots. No two pictures are exactly the same, but specific characteristics can be identified and compared between pictures, such as shape of the head and ratio of distance between the eyes and between the eyes and nose. Exact matches will not occur but a face can be determined to be within certain likelihoods of a match based on considering a set of characteristics together. There will need to be an interface for users to input photos and their characteristics into a database or other file system. Some characteristics of pictures will be determined manually and others can be done by the program automatically, as it would be very difficult for the program to do all the identifying on its own without input from the user. A searching system will need to be developed to look for possible matching faces based on the characteristics. Some characteristics may have a higher level of confidence than others and they could be weighted differently in the process of determining how likely a picture matches another picture.

I am going to start with a simple interface and some characteristics so pictures and their data can be entered. I will use a simple storage system at first, then move to using a database. After pictures can be entered and stored, then I can work on the search.
