The current Ariens data acquisition module captures binary data including:
GPS latitude and longitude
Engine and hydraulic temperatures
Current unit mileage
Last time the unit was run
Last oil change date
The client computer is a PC and the server computer is an Ariens EyeQ. The client and server communicate using cellphone modems.
Wide band communication is cost prohibitive.
Develop a user interface for the PC that is formally approved by a representative of Ariens Corp.
Develop a cellphone modem protocol and an API so the cellphone communication is decoupled from the application.
Implement an "auto-send" option where either the PC pulls data and/or the EyeQ pushes the data.
Investigate replacing the client PC with any cellphone (w/o modem).
Necessary equipment will be supplied by SNC and Ariens Corp.
Professor Blahnik and Mr. Corey Bucher will serve as the primary project leaders.
The student will be provided with a copy of the Code Warrior compiler accessed through a dongle.
The student will be provided with a copy of the Valvano book "Embedded MicroComputer Systems: Real Time Interfacing" that deals with programming the HS12 Motorola processor. ISBN 0534551629