What drives me at the core is an underlying desire to create. Ever since I was small I have had great interest in all things scientific and technical. Given the chance I would have dissected every piece of technology I could get my hands on. Granted, for all the electronics I did disassemble, little about their operation was ever revealed thought this method. Following my urge to understand was my urge to create and mimic the complex creations. This behavior carried over to my exploration of computing as a child. My first language was BASIC on the archaic Apple II machines that the school had. Back in fourth grade, I could easily waste the hour usually dedicated to the endless games of Math Blasters trying to get five or ten lines of code to run correctly. My mother, finding a way around my constant requests for a computer that we couldn't afford, brought home an old IBM Dos machine from a scrap pile at work. There the exploration would continue with a dive into QBasic. It wouldn't be until my freshman year of college that I would be introduced to C++ and given formal instruction in programming and the ways of the computer. Still my interests center around this innate desire to understand the technology and the sometimes foolish desire to recreate it from scratch.

What lies underneath the desired to create is a drive to be useful. I can create all I want but nothing is more satisfying than creating something that someone else uses. The satisfaction of creating something that fills a needed role and does it well is simply wondrous. Then there is simple the desire to work and do a job. I find it strangely satisfying that I'm needed to perform a task and that I'm actually doing something. Nothing bothers me more than feeling that I'm wasting time when there is something that needs to be done.

Of course work always benefits from knowledge and experience. I try to keep my knowledge base wide. My times if something is asked of me and I don't know the answer I will try to find it rather that writing it off as something I don't know. My adventures start before you know where you are going, and that’s half the fun. When my car breaks down I will try to fix it myself. Initially I may not know what the problem is and even if I do I may not know the solution. But it is easy enough to find the solution, and implementing the solution is always a worthwhile exercise.