#!/usr/bin/perl # HTTP HEADER print "Content-type: text/html \n\n"; print < Admin - Tree Listing
SNC Arboretum

Tree Listing

ED open(INFILE, ") { # $_ = FAILS on EOF $trees[$i]=$_; # line read $i++; } close(INFILE); $t = 0; foreach (@trees) { #split up relevant tree data @attrib = split (/;/, $_); $num[$t] = $attrib[0]; $lat[$t] = $attrib[1]; $longt[$t] = $attrib[2]; $title[$t] = $attrib[3]; $desc[$t] = $attrib[4]; $link[$t] = $attrib[5]; chomp ($link[$t]); # '-' sign creating processing problem foreach (@longt) { @longfix = split (/-/, $_); $longt = $longfix[1]; } #Executes each time in the loop to create HTML on the fly depending on what is in the file print < TTT $t++; } print <
EE print < EF
Tree Num:Lat:Longt:Title:Desc:Link: