Comp Sci Project Showcase
by Cody Schober

Blog Entry #12

March 6, 2016

I finished the Unity VR App. Compared to the alternative method to developing a VR app, this one is much cleaner and easier to program. Plus, I have found far less issues with debugging it and getting it to work with the Unity Program creator, as compared to Android Studio. My only concern was that Unity would not be able to do what I could build in an Android app.

The result of my research shows that not only can you create a built-in web browser, which would allow me to pull up CompSci02 and allow users to view other Senior projects, but I can also create scripted animations to demonstrate different programs, create tours of different environments, and create fluid transitions between different screens. With this in mind, I fully intend on using Unity, since it can satisfy all the requirements of the project, and it can do so in an incredibly easy fashion.

Unfortunately, at the moment, I am unable to get the VR app to cooperate with Mobizen, the phone to desktop application that I use to stream my mobile phone on my desktop screen. This was to allow the other viewers to see an active demonstration of the basic VR app. I will attempt to configure and tinker around with it more before Thursday.

With the VR app done, I will begin work on the runthrough for Thursday.