Comp Sci Project Showcase
by Cody Schober

Blog Entry #21

April 14, 2016

Today we met in lab to discuss out current progress with our projects. I still have been unable to work out the list problem, so a few of the students looked over what I had and gave me some ideas on what to fix. The most likely problem, since the last item in my JSON database is being printed, is that the previous items are being overwritten and replaced by the next value. I have tried various fixes, including eliminating all warnings in the, but this has not resolved the issue yet. However, after some careful observation, I finally figured out what I was doing wrong, and I fixed the issue!

What was happening was that I had a view adapter to display a custom list. In the thread that processes the list entries, I was grabbing the view that held the list, but I was only calling the id of the first item when loading the projects into the list. After calling the id on the view I had created, the list was successfully populated the way that it should.

List Format and Success

With this, I am officially done with the first two major tasks on my Gantt chart. Next, I need to be able to select a project and load the external project site. To do this, I will set an ItemClickListener for each item, and load the url for each project onto its corresponding list item. When the user taps on that item, it will boot up the project url. I will attempt to knock out two birds with one stone by doing this and having the project site load within the app.