______________________________ |NAVIGATING THE APP STRUCTURE| ------------------------------ Everything that is needed for the app to run, except for the JSON file containing the POIs (located, instead, on the server), is contained within these folders. No need to worry about most of these; the only ones you'll need to know about are the JAVA files, located in app/src/main/java/edu/snc/sncaugmentedtour and the HTML/CSS/JAVASCRIPT/IMAGE files, located in app/src/main/assets app/src/main/assets/css app/src/main/assets/js app/src/main/assets/assets (double assets not a typo). The visual layout files for each JAVA activity file are located in app/src/main/res/layout and the images/stylings that these reference are in app/src/main/res/drawable The JSON file containing the points of interest is located on the compsci server, currently located in compsci02.snc.edu/cs460/2017/raczhm/projectfiles/pois.json