____________________ |WIKITUDE REFERENCE| -------------------- This project uses the Wikitude JAVASCRIPT API, which enables all AR functionality through JavaScript and HTML/CSS. All necessary files and the Wikitude library is already included; HOWEVER, it is likely that there have been several more releases and revisions of the Wikitude SDK since the writing of this document. Updating may not be necessary, since the app works on the version existing at the time of this writing, but if you wish to update, follow the following steps: ___________________ |UPDATING WIKITUDE| ------------------- 1) To update Wikitude to the latest version, download the Wikitude SDK for Android: JavaScript API at http://www.wikitude.com/download/?gclid=CKizkdmtytMCFR61wAodGHIHeQ 2) In the downloaded folder, enter the Library folder; inside, there is a file called wikitudesdk.aar. Copy this file. DO NOT CUT. Do not delete Wikitude’s dowloaded folder. 3) Enter the folder structure of the AR app project, either by right-clicking “app” at the top of the file tree in the “Project” panel in Android Studio and clicking “Show in Explorer”, or by navigating directly in Explorer and finding the project folder you imported into Android Studio. 4) In the project folder, go to app —> libs. There is a file called wikitudesdk.aar. Replace this file with the one you copied from step 2. *NOTE* If you update Wikitude after the initial update and getting your license key, there is a chance you will update to a version of Wikitude that no longer works with the license key you were initially given. If this happens, either: 4a) Replace the wikitudesdk.aar file with the previous one, which may be in the original Wikitude folder that you did not delete from step 2, OR 4b) Email sales@wikitude.com to get a new, updated key that works with the latest version of Wikitude. Done! ___________________ |LEARNING WIKITUDE| ------------------- 1) Download the Wikitude SDK for Android: JavaScript API at http://www.wikitude.com/download/?gclid=CKizkdmtytMCFR61wAodGHIHeQ. In this folder are a myriad of sample projects that act as tutorials. The AR Tour project was built off of the Points of Interest: Selecting POIs sample, which was the final sample in the Points of Interest series of sample projects. 2) To access the individual samples, navigate to Examples —> SDKExamples —> wikitude-sdk-samples —> src —> main —> assets —> samples. To load these individual samples into the project, the easiest way is to navigate to the first “assets” folder of the AR Tour project in Explorer and replacing the JS, JQUERY, and ASSETS folder, along with index.html, with the ones from the sample. Consider placing the ones that were originally there into a subfolder for easy recovery/return to the original project. 2a) Alternatively, load the entire Wikitude sample project, which loads as an app where you can choose a Wikitude sample from a list and view it, by going to Android Studio and clicking File —> Import, then selecting the SDKExamples folder in the downloaded Wikitude file. *NOTE* This has not been actually attempted. 2b) The tutorial samples can also be succinctly viewed at https://www.wikitude.com/external/doc/documentation/latest/android/ __________________________ |REFERENCES AND RESOURCES| -------------------------- 1) Any problems with or questions about the Wikitude SDK can be directed to the developer forum, https://support.wikitude.com/support/home. Support usually replies within three days. 2) The JavaScript API reference can be found at http://www.wikitude.com/external/doc/documentation/5.1/Reference/JavaScript%20API/. Enourmously helpful and highly recommended for quick reference on Wikitude classes and their associated methods and properties. 3) YouTube tutorials by Thoughtful Monkey are also helpful, especially if starting from scratch. Found here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMSxw-hP_f0&list=PLTSAr5DnT8SC-TjQsX-1joorl5tvSnkUC