So Close


The Project:
So very close. In the last week and half I have parsed my .jsons into the three separate folders and everything works perfectly now for getting data. Only problem now is when trying to create an activity that runs in the background to collect steps and heart rate data, oauth needs a connection through an internet provider it seems to work. I cannot seem to run the index.hp file without forcing the call through google chrome. So when my even is triggered to update data the phone still needs to be on and the users google chrome app will automatically be opened even if they are in the middle of something else which is very inconvenient right now. Also when I am able to get my alarm manager to fire properly to trigger an event or activity to run in the background it only works once at the moment and never gets called again with the 2 min time interval I have right now for testing. Oddly enough in my service that is running when the alarm goes off has an error. Than the alarm works just fine evert two minutes it runs the activity in the background and errors every time. Without the error the alarm only goes off once. Other than background services I am working with displaying heart data on a graph and the users data below so they can see there steps sleep and current heart rate. Also working on an animated gif to use for the user to practice 5/4 second breathing to calm down, and the last thing to work on is the creating a log for the user to log how they are feeling and maybe have some of the info from fit bit auto fill into the file. Below is a test of my json parser working.