  • Aldo Gonzalez

3/26 Set Size, Grid, and Initial Tile Manipulation Testing


Re-sizing images! I wanted a consistent 600x400 for now, so I now have it re-size both images using "fit." It took a while to find, but the bright side is I got to skim much of the Image module of Pillow.

I also figured out the grid system. I was not interested in worrying about aesthetics now, but I could not see both images because the "pack" method threw them in vertically. I was also going to get to that anyway, so it was worth learning a bit about and setting the images horizontally.


Lastly, I spent a bit laying out my possible starting points for the algorithm. I played with tile manipulation, and unfortunately, the tiles are tuples, so they cannot change. I could change it to a list, but then I may still have not changed the actual pixels since it'd only change the properties. I will likely have to save each tile as an image so the pixels can be worked with. Then, I could either make a new image with the same size and the 20 slots randomly filled, or maybe I can overlay/replace the original image somehow (by exact measures).

Next Steps:

Try some of those ideas. If any work, I can move on to building a random generation. I would want to view each of those images to see if the tiles are actually random.

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