
Reading with a Mouse

Updated: Feb 22

I spent a bit of time over the past few days figuring out how to enhance my text to speech application. After the mini poster board sessions, I realized I could accomplish a lot with my application without using the Tobii eyetracker, and so I decided to do just that.

I am starting by having the mouse do all the control rather than the eyes. I perfected my text to speech application today by putting every word in its own text box. Then, when the user clicks on that text box, the application will speak the word, rather than just typing a lot of information into the text box, and then having the user click a button and it speaks all at one. This new version allows the user much more control over when things are being spoken in the application, and it mimics more of reading a book, word by word by clicking on the word. This will eventually be enhanced with the eyetracker, having it replace the mouse.

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