Uncategorized – RJ Manning: Capstone 2023 http://rjmanning.knight.domains Capstone project set to create a tag cloud Wed, 10 May 2023 17:11:25 +0000 en hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2 http://rjmanning.knight.domains/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Logo-Bage-150x150.png Uncategorized – RJ Manning: Capstone 2023 http://rjmanning.knight.domains 32 32 Final Blog http://rjmanning.knight.domains/uncategorized/final-blog/ http://rjmanning.knight.domains/uncategorized/final-blog/#respond Wed, 10 May 2023 17:11:25 +0000 http://rjmanning.knight.domains/?p=115 Leading up to my final presentation I seemed to have lost track of the blogs. Much of the work in the past couple of weeks was first off getting my HTML and Java Script to work nicely together. The other bulk of my work was making the website actually look nice. Dr. McVey came up with a really nice equation for the word sizing. I simplified the generate word cloud button to only place the words on screen, this is so that I could place images on to the canvas separately without them getting wiped. All of these things came together to create a really nice website that I can say that I am proud of. By clicking the “Project” link above you can try it yourself.

http://rjmanning.knight.domains/uncategorized/final-blog/feed/ 0
Week 7/8 http://rjmanning.knight.domains/uncategorized/week-7-8/ http://rjmanning.knight.domains/uncategorized/week-7-8/#respond Wed, 29 Mar 2023 20:01:12 +0000 http://rjmanning.knight.domains/?p=99

These two weeks I have gotten a few important things done. First off Dr. McVey and I have solved the problem with the words going off the page. I also ordered the word from largest to smallest so that all the large words have enough space to fit and then the small words can be placed in the space that is left. Next I updated the UI a bit ,including a download button, so that it would be somewhat presentable to post on my site in an early form.

http://rjmanning.knight.domains/uncategorized/week-7-8/feed/ 0
Week 5/6 http://rjmanning.knight.domains/uncategorized/week-5-6/ http://rjmanning.knight.domains/uncategorized/week-5-6/#respond Mon, 06 Mar 2023 21:30:22 +0000 http://rjmanning.knight.domains/?p=79

I ended up sticking with my original plan using the same isOverlapping function. Dr. McVey found out that the text alignments and the getImageData alignments were different.

Before using ctx.textBaseline = “top”; “getImageData” was only reading the data from inside the box which was below the word itself (image 1). after implementing ctx.textBaseline = “top”; getImageData was correctly reading the data from the word itself (image 2)

The isOverlapping function is now working. My next step will be to fix the problem I am having with words going past the canvas. Once I have solved that problem I will begin working on getting the words placed properly when rotated. I think I will have some problems again with isOverlapping not rotating the box.

http://rjmanning.knight.domains/uncategorized/week-5-6/feed/ 0
Week 4 http://rjmanning.knight.domains/uncategorized/week-4/ http://rjmanning.knight.domains/uncategorized/week-4/#respond Thu, 23 Feb 2023 19:08:20 +0000 http://rjmanning.knight.domains/?p=75

This week I have been working on getting the “isOverlapping” function to work. This function is meant to detect weather or not the words are overlapping. I fear I may have to change course and rethink my approach.

http://rjmanning.knight.domains/uncategorized/week-4/feed/ 0
Week 3 http://rjmanning.knight.domains/uncategorized/week-3/ http://rjmanning.knight.domains/uncategorized/week-3/#respond Mon, 13 Feb 2023 22:10:54 +0000 http://rjmanning.knight.domains/?p=55

This week I have been working on getting the words placed randomly but not inside each other. This has proved rather difficult so I have it roughly working but the words still get placed inside each other. I moved on and began working on making it so that the words that are repeated more than once get bigger and are only placed once, I was successful in this. My next step will be to be able to orient the words randomly as well.

http://rjmanning.knight.domains/uncategorized/week-3/feed/ 0
Week 2 http://rjmanning.knight.domains/uncategorized/week-2/ http://rjmanning.knight.domains/uncategorized/week-2/#respond Mon, 06 Feb 2023 22:27:03 +0000 http://rjmanning.knight.domains/?p=27

This week I began working on my code. for now what I have is a text box that outputs onto a canvas. This is important for the future of the project because if I were to enter the text into separate text boxes the ability for me to put words within small spaces between letters would be impossible. Using a canvas will allow me to separate the words by retrieving the pixel data rather than by separating the text boxes.

Here is the code used to produce the above webpage.

http://rjmanning.knight.domains/uncategorized/week-2/feed/ 0
Week 1 http://rjmanning.knight.domains/uncategorized/week1/ http://rjmanning.knight.domains/uncategorized/week1/#respond Wed, 01 Feb 2023 21:41:34 +0000 http://rjmanning.knight.domains/?p=1

This week I have mostly done research on what I may want to do with my project. There are a lot of Tag Clouds all over the internet so I set out to find out what I could do to make mine unique. On the most basic level, all tag clouds should compile the words used into an easily understandable visual representation of the number of times each word is used. This is represented in all of the tag clouds I found and will be used in my own. One of the more unique things utilized in some tag clouds is a focus on personalization with the style of the cloud itself. I would like to include this in my own, hopefully, this will consist of; the font, color scheme, shape, direction of words, etc… These are all things that I have seen in other tag clouds though, so it seems that I will have to continue to search for the unique aspect that I have to include.https://www.wordclouds.com/ This is the most advanced tag cloud that I have found so far.

This is a rough design, all is subject to change.

http://rjmanning.knight.domains/uncategorized/week1/feed/ 0