No Work

Week 10

This week, I focused on enhancing the app's aesthetics and ensuring a seamless user experience. I introduced new features, such as swipe-up functionality to initiate tracking. Additionally, I implemented real-time updates for words matching a specific category, allowing users to see the dynamically updated words while a session is in progress by visiting the words screen.

No Work

Week 9

This week, I concentrated on enhancing user engagement through friendly competition. My solution was to introduce a leaderboard that highlights the top 5 users on the platform. To further encourage participation, users can also view their own ranking at the bottom of the screen.

No Work

Week 8

I have now created a profile page that showcases the user's statistics, including their total sense, as well as sense accumulated over the week, month, and year. Additionally, I have archived the highest and lowest speaking sessions for the same time periods, which can be conveniently accessed by clicking on their corresponding buttons.

No Work

Week 7, Spring Break

The prototype now has a data base and authentication system. I went with Firebase for both of these services because it was FREE and their documentation was unbeatable especially for React projects. I added a login and sign up screen and now when you speak all your sense is stored in the db for each week, month, year, and total sense.

No Work

Week 6

Now that the prototype is in a nice usable state I am working on adding the different screens to it, My first new screen will display all the words you need to and have said. I am also looking into an issue im having with Expo where the project cant be run just of the provided QR code it needs to be locally installed using a build.

No Work

Week 5

The prototype is getting better it now uses a local json file to get all the words you need to say and puts them in a array. The comparison component now takes in what you say and compares it to the words you need to. After you match one of the words, it assigns you points based off the category of word. It then removes the word from the array so you can't get points for using the same word over and over again.

No Work

Week 4

I got my first speech to text prototype working!!! It is a very basic prototype that writes the words you speak onto the screen. My next step is going to be having a small list of words stored on the device and write a comparison function to see if your saying the words.

No Work

Week 3

For this week I worked on breaking my project down into manageable chucks. I divided it up into three different parts an image of the three parts and there subparts is pictured above. I took into account the feed back from the poster sessions and also added a little to the UI which you can see linked in week 1 blog.

No Work

Week 2

This week I focused on my design for my app and a little more planning on how I want to setup my back end and catorgorize the spoken words. The app design is the image on this blog post but it is also in my initial project plan linked in my week one post.

No Work

Week 1

This week I made this website your using now. I also put together an initial project plan which you can read linked below. My project is to build software that ranks the words we speak and make a scoring system so you know where you rank. Right now my plan is to develop an app using React Native.

Initial Project Plan