CSCI 460 - Capstone Experience - Spring 2024
The St. Norbert College Computer Science Department has seen hundreds of students progress through the major and enter the world of information technology. Students attend graduate school, work internships, and eventually find full-time positions. The CS Alum Tracker is an interactive Google Maps application that gives faculty the ability to track the careers of our CS Alum and allows prospective and current students to learn more about the diverse career paths our students have taken after graduation. |
Transit Master is a web app designed from the ground up to accommodate the three main types of users for it. Admins, Drivers, and Users, the goal of this website is to be able to simplify and make easier the process of creating bus routes, assigning those bus routes to drivers, and being able to notify the end user of the route and when the bus is expected to reach their stop all within an easy to use and self-explanatory package. |
This project recreates the famous German Enigma Machine used for encryption in WWII. With both a physical model and an animated version, this project investigates how the machine was structured and aims to educate users on the machine's operation. |
Using Beacons and Bluetooth Low Energy users can navigate through a close and complex area, where the accuracy of GPS data is not sufficient. The application uses real-time distance and predefined path data to guide a user to a location, accounting for any wrong-turns along the way. |
Jackson Corcoran 8:45am, Saturday, April 27, GMS 1097
Damian Gladysz 9:10am, Saturday, April 27, GMS 1097
Alexandra Bennett 9:35am, Saturday, April 27, GMS 1097
Elliott Ward 10:15am, Saturday, April 27, GMS 1097
Carve Cutter is an image editing software that uses a Seam Carving algorithm which can be used to reduce or increase image size without (overly) apparent quality loss. |
The complex nature of soccer demands advanced tools for analysis and comprehension, both for enthusiasts and professionals alike. This project’s goal is to ease the learning curve for new viewers and players, while also being an effective tool for building in-game intuition at all levels of the game. By tracking and augmenting video, users are able to manipulate existing videos to recognize what really happened. |
This application takes I Spy to the next level by using the Tobii Pro to track eye movement during a game. With the ability to collect 60 coordinates a second, the search path can be redrawn once the game is over. The data helps answer questions such as how often is the user looking at the stopwatch, at the reference image, and past the target object, and how this differs based on the game difficulty. |
Kyle Vickman 10:40am, Saturday, April 27, GMS 1097
William Jens 12:00pm, Saturday, April 27, GMS 1097
Max Berner 12:25pm, Saturday, April 27, GMS 1097
Taylor Wesolowski 12:50pm, Saturday, April 27, GMS 1097