Visual Recursion Project Information
The project is to design and implement a maze generator that can be used to visually show recursion.
This system will need to be able to connect to other programs in different languages in order to
show the user how their program is going through the maze.
General Requirements:
(The requirements are taken from the project description from Dr. Pankratz)
1. Design a maze creator module with the ability to open and save different mazes.
2. Design an API for the maze so that any program has the ability to communicate its
location within the maze.
3. Make the maze visually show current and visited locations along with its state
4. Develop a maze UI that has controls: animate, speed, step, undo, redo, reset, etc.
5. Construct several programs to run on the maze, including instruction type programs
that demonstrate depth first and breadth first recursive algorithms.
6. Consider developing a game that uses the maze or an enhanced version of the maze.
Project TimeLine