After really pressing the issue, I finally was granted super user access to the compsci02 mySQL server. This is when I began to really focus in on creating the admin side of my app. I wanted all data about admins and buildings to be stored in the database and easily managed via the admin interface housed on my app. My initial vision for the design of my database was far more robust than I was able to implement. Selecting, updating, inserting, and deleting data seemed like it was going to be a simple task at first because Microsoft had created classes that allowed Java to easily interact with a mySQL database. After spending an evening trying to get these classes to work, I abandoned that method and went with a more traditional method of utilizing PHP to help communicate between my Java and mySQL database. When I was developing the create and update building activities for my app, I was beginning to realize that I did not have enough time anymore to go ahead with my more complicated (though better) design. I instead opted for a far simpler design that saved me time in development but frustrated me because it made my app more vanilla feeling.
Now it came time to my presentation. Going second, I was able to get my presentation out of the way early and really sit back and enjoy everyone else's projects. I was pleased with how my presentation went. My app crashed when it was decoding my pictures for the building info pages a few times but I was expecting that so that did not faze me at all. Additionally, many of my classmates' projects impressed me and I think many of them should take great pride in what they accomplished. None of us could have gotten our final versions where they were without Dr. Pankratz, Dr. McVey, and our other classmates so I feel almost everyone's project was not only a culmination of each individuals effort but the entire department's effort as well. Overall this capstone experience was a new test and I enjoyed the challenges it presented. I faced questions that no one had the answer to, forcing me to come up with solutions on my own and often with the help of the internet. Its biggest challenge was testing everyone's determination to drive toward a finished project without anyone watching over your shoulder, assigning hard deadlines (aside from the presentation date). All in all, I think I grew from this class and I now understand why our professors call this the capstone experience; because it is just that, a learning, growing, fun experience.
Now it came time to my presentation. Going second, I was able to get my presentation out of the way early and really sit back and enjoy everyone else's projects. I was pleased with how my presentation went. My app crashed when it was decoding my pictures for the building info pages a few times but I was expecting that so that did not faze me at all. Additionally, many of my classmates' projects impressed me and I think many of them should take great pride in what they accomplished. None of us could have gotten our final versions where they were without Dr. Pankratz, Dr. McVey, and our other classmates so I feel almost everyone's project was not only a culmination of each individuals effort but the entire department's effort as well. Overall this capstone experience was a new test and I enjoyed the challenges it presented. I faced questions that no one had the answer to, forcing me to come up with solutions on my own and often with the help of the internet. Its biggest challenge was testing everyone's determination to drive toward a finished project without anyone watching over your shoulder, assigning hard deadlines (aside from the presentation date). All in all, I think I grew from this class and I now understand why our professors call this the capstone experience; because it is just that, a learning, growing, fun experience.