Speech to Music
Project Developer: Chance Browning
Project introduction: There are apps such as Songify, that map voice files to prerecorded music files. This means you could modify that monotone CS lecture by David Pankratz that you taped to sound like "Let's Dance" by David Bowie. This involves separating out the pitch and the speed, then assigning the Bowie's pitch to Pankratz resulting in a file containing a mix of the two. So the two David's sound somewhat alike.
Project description: build a Songify type application that also allows stretching/shrinking the speed of the song to match a section of speech.
General Requirments:
1. Visualize both sound files
2. Implement a pitch detection algorithm.
3. Consider using a phase vocorder to separate out pitch and speed from an audio file.
4. Develop an editor that can mark a time snippet in the speech file and another time snippet in the music file. The speed will be adjusted so the speech snippet fits into the music snippet and the pitches adjusted accordingly.
5. Create short cuts and "help" features such as zoom and copy/past for the editor.
6. Implement save, open, etc.
7. You might check out the attempt from previous years
credits to Dr. Andy Exley at Carleton College
Project Developer: Chance Browning
Project introduction: There are apps such as Songify, that map voice files to prerecorded music files. This means you could modify that monotone CS lecture by David Pankratz that you taped to sound like "Let's Dance" by David Bowie. This involves separating out the pitch and the speed, then assigning the Bowie's pitch to Pankratz resulting in a file containing a mix of the two. So the two David's sound somewhat alike.
Project description: build a Songify type application that also allows stretching/shrinking the speed of the song to match a section of speech.
General Requirments:
1. Visualize both sound files
2. Implement a pitch detection algorithm.
3. Consider using a phase vocorder to separate out pitch and speed from an audio file.
4. Develop an editor that can mark a time snippet in the speech file and another time snippet in the music file. The speed will be adjusted so the speech snippet fits into the music snippet and the pitches adjusted accordingly.
5. Create short cuts and "help" features such as zoom and copy/past for the editor.
6. Implement save, open, etc.
7. You might check out the attempt from previous years
credits to Dr. Andy Exley at Carleton College