My name is Myles Cruz. I am currently a senior finishing my Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science with a minor in Business Administration. I am an Outfielder and Pitcher with the St. Norbert College Baseball Team. I am originally from Los Angeles, CA. I attended Los Angeles Pierce Community College in Woodland Hills, CA and transferred to St. Norbert in the Fall of 2018. After I graduate in May of 2021, I plan on moving back to Los Angeles to pursue a career as a Software Engineer. Note: Dr. McVey thought it would be a cool idea if I included my first homerun of my career on my first game back from a knee injury during the 2021 season.
I did not know what I wanted to do coming out of high school. I took an introductory Computer Science class my first semester of college and was instantly hooked. The ability to create something that does exactly what you thought of is a great feeling. Another great part of Computer Science is that there is never one solution. There are many subjects that force you to solve a problem one exact way, but in Computer Science, no two programmers are alike. You have the ability to choose how you write, organize and execute your code whichever way you want. That freedom to be creative is a factor that excites me in every project I create. Spending hours working on a program and having it execute exactly how you want it to is what makes me happy that I chose this major.