This is my philosophical statment of what I enjoy most about being a computer science student and programming in general.
When growing up in elementary school I had a solid understanding of issues that arose pertaining to computer use and general troubleshooting. I always had a passion for understanding the workings of devices that seemed to do the impossible, one of those being the computer. This led me to buying some C++ coding books in middle school and tried to teach myself coding and taking an intro to JavaScript class online in high school. This is where my eagerness to learn more about programming was propelled forward. I, from a young age, always had a strong interest in building stuff, either with my dad or sometimes by myself, with the goal of understand the functionality behind what was being built. Therefore, an aspect of computer science that has always intrigued me was the satisfaction in being able to build similar programs that I already was using in my everyday life but not understanding the way in which they were functioning.