- gabeolsen
Blog #9
Updated: Mar 31
On April 1st, we will be giving a walkthrough of our project to the rest of the Capstone class so that we can get some feedback from the other students in our class. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone else's project as well as receive some good input/ideas on what to do to improve my project.
I ran into a problem with creating a graph for my project, the Github that I found wasn't working so I had to find another way to create a graph to show how the investment would do overtime. Luckily, I found something else while looking online that is currently working for displaying the data. I will post the new link to the website on where I found this new graph on my projects tab at the bottom of the page. Also, I will be adding a few more links that I have saved that have helped me with my project on the bottom of the project tab.