Initial Design
Final Design
Project Timeline
Project Demo
Project Files
MainActivity - helps populate the RecyclerView and the first thing the user sees
SecondActivity - where the user can input information about their portfolio
GraphActivity - where the user can see how their portfolio does on a bar chart
Investment - used by the MainActivity to help populate the RecyclerView with the different items that are in the strings.xml file
ItemAdapter - what the RecyclerView uses to make it onto the screen as well as adjust what is happening depending on what the user does
MinandMax - sets a maximum amount the user can enter on the SecondActivity
PortfolioInfo - a class that send some data to the GraphActivity from the SecondActivity that the user put in
strings.xml - creates the different items that will be used in the RecyclerView
border.xml - used to create a border around the different items in the RecyclerView
weekly.php - holds data for the different assets that starts on April 20, 2022
monthly.php - holds data for the different assets that starts on April 20, 2022
yearly.php - holds data for the different assets that starts on April 20, 2022
item_adapter.xml - this is what the RecyclerView will look like for each item that it populates to the screen
activity_main.xml - activity that has the RecyclerView populate it plus including a button that will go to the SecondActivity
activity_second.xml - layout file with different widgets and text that the user can interact with
activity_graph.xml - includes the MPAndroidChart graph and buttons for the user to interact with