Edge Detection Step One
Today, I worked through edge detection of a photo using python. There were many articles online that gave me a place to start, and I tried to walk through a few of them. The one I ended up using took an image, converted it into a matrix, and then applied matrix multiplication to determine changes in color and shade. These areas of change were colored in white, while the rest was black. The concept was easy enough to understand, and it took me a few hours to walk through but I was finally able to get it to work. Honestly, the hardest part in this process was downloading a bunch of different things onto my computer and then installing packages. The pictures below are the before and after photos of the process. I would like to make it so the edges are colored in black and the background is white, but this seems like enough for today.
I’m not sure if I’m actually going to use this code in my project. I was satisfied with the results, but I’m thinking I would like to use javascript as it’s easier to integrate in a web page (as far as I’m aware). Even so, it was satisfying to make some progress!

Kharkar, Ritvik. “Edge Detection in Python.” Medium, Towards Data Science, 22 Jan. 2020, https://towardsdatascience.com/edge-detection-in-python-a3c263a13e03.