Palette and Levels
Yesterday, I met with Dr. McVey and we solved some problems I was having with my palette and it now seems to be working! It’s not completely done, and there’s still some things I would like to change about it, but it feels good to see it working.

I think I’m at the point where I can move on to other things and come back later to make improvements. What I would eventually like to do is transfer the onclick listener that triggers the EyeDropper to these canvases, so if the user would like to repick a certain color, they can just click on it in the canvas and over write it. This has some difficulties that I haven’t fully thought out yet (I will need to know which canvas they’ve clicked on so it replaces the color in that one and doesn’t just fill a new canvas with color) but I’ll look into it more soon.
Today, input three buttons for easy, medium, and hard, and have them limiting the number of colors a user can choose for their picture. If a user tries to pick more than the level allows, an alert box informs them of the error.