Updates from the previous week
After meeting with the CS professors on Thursday, I had two goals to work toward. The first was making the paint by number more accurate by using HSV colors instead of RGB, and the second was making my paint by number generation faster by only looking at half of the pixels of the picture.
I was able to implement both of these things over the past couple of days. The HSV coloring (can be seen in the screen shot below) didn’t really work. I actually believe the the color detection is worse now, which is upsetting, so I’m going to be changing it back to RGB soon.
Looking at only half of the pixels in my image did work quite nicely. I timed how long it took to process an image on level medium before and after the change and was able to reduce the time by over 50%.
This leads me to my problem. To make the colors more accurate, I am going to need to run kMeans (my edge detection algorithm that looks at every other pixel now) twice, meaning it will be back to looking at the full number of pixels. I think I’m going tor try and reduce it down to looking at every third pixel so the process doesn’t go back to it’s previous speed.
This is something I would hope will all be sorted out by the beginning of next week. I really want to get save and print implemented quickly so I can start exploring with other things, such as replacing colors in the palette, or having the user be able to click on regions to color them in.