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1. Root Bone - All skeletons
must contain a root bone
from which all other bones,
called child bones, extend.

2. Bottom Eye - This bone
allows the lower eyelid to

3. Top Eye - This bone
allows the top eyelid to

4. This stationary bone
connects the bottom eye
and top eye to the root bone.
The actuall eyeball is
connected to this bone.

Each object is added to a
specific bone, covering the
skeleton, and moves along
with the bone.

Objects that have been
added to a bone do not
necessarily need to be in
contact with it. As long as an
object has been added to a
bone, it will move as the
bone does. As a result, an
outside object added to the
top eye bone, for example,
would move up and down
as the top eyelid does.