My approach to computer science is much like any other artist's approach to their art.
The first skill that must be learned is the ability to manipulate the medium.
In the case of a painter they must learn to mix colors and apply the paint to a canvas.
Similarly when one first begins learning in computer science they must first learn to program.
However much like any other art, the physical activity that goes into the art is rarely interesting,
but the thought and planning that occur before and during production hold the most interest.
Unfortunately, in this field it is difficult to make a livelihood from the purely intellectual side,
one must learn to properly execute their designs.
In this comes some of the greatest joys and sorrows of a computer scientist.
It is unbelievable pleasant to see something that you are building to develop because of your effort,
however when larger problems occur any joy is quickly drained to be replaced by great frustration.
While it is impossible to ignore the engineering aspects of computer science,
one must never overlook the far more interesting mathematical area.
It is because of this area that the study can truly be called a science as apposed to a skill or trade.
When viewed through the right eyes a well designed algorithm or theoretical proof can be just as beautiful as a painting in a gallery.
I do my absolute best to always see with those eyes, and to develop for those eyes.
A good design can stand independent of code, and is worthy of praise on it's own.