Note: All downloads provided are on an as-is basis I do not guarentee that any of the code will compile or run on your computer. Neither I nor SNC can be held responsible for what this code does. Having said this I reguarly run the provided code on my own maching with no problems.

Final Releases:
SoundSync v. 0.85
SoundSync v. 0.75
SoundSync v. 0.7

SoundSync User Manual
SoundSync Technical Documentation
GadgetLights User Manual

Releases by date:
April 24th, 2005
February 20th, 2005
February 13th, 2005
February 5th, 2005
January 30th, 2005

Miscellaneous Downloads:
My Resume

A note on the music: For ease of use I will be providing an mp3 with each release, but any copywrites on the music are held (in part) by me.