Multi-Touch Desk #2 - LCD Laser Light Plane
Implementation Status: Design and safety design complete, parts arrived April 28, 2009 (shortly before project presentation)
Parts list for LCD LLP:
- LCD screen - 15" LCD with bad backlight located, internet sources report that internal cabling is suitable for modification for multi-touch application
- Infrared lasers, line lenses, and related equipment - On my recommendation, Dr. Michael Olson (Physics) ordered 5mW red and IR lasers (5 of each, 4 for use plus one spare) from AixiZ, as well as IR detection cards and two pairs of laser safety goggles providing over OD5 protection at the chosen wavelength from other suppliers. Setup and alignment will be performed in the visible spectrum before swapping in IR lasers and conducting additional safety checks with detection cards to ensure the device is safe to use without eye protection.
- Two acrylic sheets, for LCD support and panel protection - contributed by Midland Plastics Inc.
- Marine proxy putty to mount line lasers - purchased, will be used alone with a tube design to allow red and IR lasers to be swapped without significantly affecting alignment.
- IR Webcam - QuickCam Pro 4000 prepared for Desk 1, a second modification would take minimal time.