Brian Milinski | St. Norbert College CSCI 460


I worked shortly on my project today, but accomplished one important thing that needed to be done. I added a timer that loops back to the beggining of the program after the screen has been left idle for a set time determined by a variable in my action script. It is a variable so it can easily be changed at a later time. I remove all objects from the screen except for the background image (which is child 0 on the stage) when the timer event is raised. To achieve this I removed all children while children where greater than 1. I did this because I wanted to keep the background image to avoid the un-needed computation of loading the background image over again when the program went to the first frame (the background image should only be loaded once). Tomorrow I plan to meet with Dr. Pankratz to discuss how to get an external robot working from the flash program. Then I will be able to begin assigning buttons their events to be raised when clicked.