Gantt Chart

Detailed Timeline

Week 1: January 21 - January 27
     - Recieve project
     - Launch website
Week 2: January 28 - February 3
     - Recieve tablet
     - Work on a simple Hello, World
     - Get a simple User Interface going
     - Work on timeline and scope
Week 3: February 4 - February 10
     - Link to applicable websites
     - Work on integrating Brian's code for a slideshow
Week 4: February 11 - February 17
     - Start coming up with ideas for interactive games
     - Find student-designed programs that can be used
     - Research user-client interactions to connect to kiosk screen
Week 5: February 18 - February 24
     - Integrate game
     - Test kiosk screen
Week 6: Feburary 25 - March 3
     - Integrate student-designed programs
     - Continue testing kiosk screen
Week 7: March 4 - March 10
     - Continue testing kiosk screen
Week 8: March 11 - March 17
     - Continue testing kiosk screen
     - Start working on activating robot
Week 9: March 18 - March 24
     - Continue working with robot
Week 10: March 25 - March 31
     - Combine all components
     - Extra time in case any landmarks are missed
Week 11: April 1 - April 7
     - Combine all components
     - Extra time in case any landmarks are missed
Week 12: April 8 - April 14
     - Debugging: find and solve all errors
Week 13: April 15 - April 21
     - Finalize documentation
     - Prepare for defense and demonstration
Week 14: April 22 - April 28
     - Project demonstrations
     - Finalize website
Week 15: April 29 - May 5
     - Project defense
     - Update resume
Week 16: May 6 - May 12
     - Graduation!