Photo Album Generator - Project Overview

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Project Description:
Develop software that is able to create mini photo albums or "memories" from a larger group of photos. This application will attempt to make decisions to sort through photos that are worth keeping and also ones that are not worth keeping. This is meant to provide a general highlight of the photo album, and avoid redundant or unwanted pictures in the final album.

Project Requirements:
1) Explore the meta-data stored with an image and extract it.
2) Use the meta-data and image content to identify attributes of the photo (time, date, location, people, text, event).
3) The album generator attempts to use these attributes to create a "memories" slide show of the perceived event or trip.
4) Allow the user to specify maximum length of album.
5) Allow the user to specify beginning and ending dates.
6) Allow the user to specify a geographic location.
7) Store the photo-album so that it can be viewed and distributed.

Project Timeline:
cannot display