Philosophy Statement
As I grew up I considered many career options. I wanted to be an astronaut when I was 8, an author when I was 11, an editor when I was 14, a geneticist when I was 16. These fields may seem varied (because they are), and this is because even from a young age I was pulled in two directions: creativity versus rigidity and logic. Sure, I loved reading and enjoyed writing, but loved it much less when I was forced to do it. I loved the idea of following formulas and using logic to solve puzzles, but biology was too much memorization. When I graduated from high school and entered college, I was undecided in my major. I tried math, English, business, and communications, but it wasn't until I took my first computer science course that I knew what I wanted to do. I continued my math education and took on programming. It was the perfect blend of creativity and logic. Programming requires both; a program must be articulated in exactly the right way or it will not function. It also requires design: how to use the tools I have at my disposal to build something out of nothing. I found this creation of something out of nothing to be exhilarating, and I absolutely loved my experience as a computer science major at St. Norbert. Next year, I will be attending UW-Madison for Computer Science. I currently plan to get my Master's Degree there, and then join the work force. I know that I made the correct decision to become a computer science major at St. Norbert College, because it helped me achieve my goals and create new ones. My experience here was amazing and I wouldn't change it for anything.
Last updated: 5/7/2019