Progress Posts

Week Three: Menus and the Basics

Posted by admin on  February 18, 2020


For this week I finally began putting code down for my program. So far I have the basic start screen created, and am working on creating the next couple game states. From there I plan on implementing the basic game selection screen then putting its map in. The AI will be a future problem as well. When I figure out how I will also add my demo Balsamiq version of my program to the website.

Progress Continues

Posted by admin on  February 11, 2020


This week’s main task was to start learning how to fully use the environment. I plan on using the Python tool pygame, which is completely unfamiliar to me so I will have to teach myself how to use the whole system. I also need to make a mock-up of my basic program, and for that I plan on using Balsamiq, and so far it will make a decent first build and will help my visualize my project better.

And So It Begins

Posted by admin on  January 29, 2020


First post of the capstone, I have made my basic to do list, and picked out my working language. I’m doing it in Python because it is a very important language to learn and has a bunch of helpful tools for making games. So far I found a game library called pygame, then I also found a github repository for using maps from google maps. Next on my to do list is to do a basic architecture outline for how my game will work.

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