This week my goal is to overcome one of the first major hurdles I’m running into. When you make a normal Pacman game, the map is square with simple paths. Therefore it is possible to use grids to map out possible paths for the sprites to move on, below on the left is an example of how this would work. On the right is one of the possible maps I could use, as you can see I would not be able to use this method for my maps.
Therefore my first major hurdle will be figuring out how to make a sprite follow lines on the screen. I have been doing some research and have found next to nothing on the subject in python, but its still early so I can still find more.
The best I found was some research into algorithms that pathfind for more advanced games, here, and here. But both of those articles talked about some very heavy hitting pathing algorithms, both of which are far too much for what I need here. But in the event of me not being able to find anything else I can always try to implement one of these.