This might not mean a lot to you, but this is huge. If you really zoom in on this picture you can see a small purple dot in the center. The green “rays” represent what areas of the room can be seen by this purple dot. This isn’t the fancy room created last week, but I am working on translating it to be readable, so this one room schoolhouse will have to do.
The code for this was a bit tricky, but by using the meat and potatoes of the supercover_line method from RedBlob, I was able to make this work. It takes a while to run, but so would any method which has a triple nested for loop.
This picture better illustrates the “rays” from the camera to the walls, and shows that obstacle detection works only for the black/dark gray color, as the rays go right over the cyan.
I’m glad to have accomplished the universal dream for my project, getting my room to live in the limelight.
We’re done.(?)(!)(%) I’m truly not sure which punctuation best suits that sentence. It definitely doesn’t feel like it’s over yet. Then again, when you’ve been . . .
Did I already post the video of the 1987 classic “It’s the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine)” by . . .