If you’re referring to a disaster, then I hope not.
This is it, ladies and gentleman. The room. For now anyways. This is the room where I will be doing a lot of my preliminary testing, both with color recognition, and with camera placement algorithms.
Determining the color of the pixel is going well, but I have some speedbumps to iron out before I can actually say it works, especially when it comes to drawing the pixels back out, which wouldn’t be as bad, if I could figure out the 47 different image/canvas/drawing/bitmap classes in WPF talk to each other. Which is going to be a majority of my project for the upcoming week, along with the schedule, which I have yet to upload.
Hopefully building the rooms in a side program and saving them as bmp’s inevitably helps, but we’ll see. So far, I’m proud of the work I’ve done, but have much more yet to do. Hopefully, I will be able to not only read pixels and determine cameras in not only the basic room above, but also this one. So technically yes, this is The Room.
We’re done.(?)(!)(%) I’m truly not sure which punctuation best suits that sentence. It definitely doesn’t feel like it’s over yet. Then again, when you’ve been . . .
Did I already post the video of the 1987 classic “It’s the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine)” by . . .