  • Landon Mueller

Connection Issues & Walkthrough

The last few days I have been working on designing my GUI for the parking database. I have created a basic menu navigation system that includes a dropdown of the parking lots you can interact with that will on all pages within the website. When you click on a parking lot from the menu it will redirect you to that parking lot's page. Once on the page, you will be able to select from a couple of options that query into the database that relates to that parking lot. I have not implement that element of my website yet as I have run into an issue with connecting my database with my website via PHP. I had a connection that allowed me to create a basic select all from a table to read out to the screen. This is not the case anymore. I am planning on meeting with Dr. McVey to troubleshoot the issue tomorrow afternoon. I hope after meeting we can resolve the issue so I can keep making progress.

The other thing I have been working on is preparing a short 15-minute presentation for a project walkthrough tomorrow morning. Since my connection with my database and website is not currently working for a demo I am planning on discussing what I have accomplished so far. Some of the items I plan on talking about are project overview, data directory changes, data forms to populate the database and future plans.

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