  • Landon Mueller

Data Forms & Data Dictionary Update

Today I worked on updating my forms that I will be using to collect data to populate my database. I took the feedback I got a few days ago in a meeting and applied it. The previous iteration on my forms had some flaws with communication of what information I am trying to gather and format. One of the improvements I made this time around include adding more dropdown menus for users to select from. Prior I allowed user more freedom to write what they would like to answer a question which could have lead to bad data. It also would have made parsing the data I gained a nightmare compared to now where I should be able to take the CSV file from the form and import it directly into my database.

Something else I did today was I made a few tweaks to my data dictionary and database tables. I added State column to my Vehicle table which will indicate which state the license plate is from. Another tweak was adding OccupiedDATE to my ParkingTime table. This will indicate the date that the space started to be occupied. Previously I only had start and end time for a spot which could have lead to issues if someone was trying to reserve a spot. Lets say someone was trying to reserve a timeslot for a day that is not the current day they would not be able to as it would indicate the spot is not available for that future day.

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