Everything is working! I don't allow the coaches to see multiple athletes when looking at all the data, as that is very similar to just looking at all the data. I just need to get my presentation finished.
Everything is working besides adding multiple players to the page while looking at an individual player. I will continue to work on this while I get my presentation set up. I will make sure to save a working version of everything just in case things break. I'm really excited to be finished with the project, but I am also fairly nervous for the presentations themselves.
The transport to the template has gone pretty well! There is one problem though, my raw data colors aren't showing up. They're trying to show up, but they aren't. I have attached an image to show what I mean. The borders are colored, but the entire cell remains blank.
I have been slacking on the blog, but I have been grinding my project down. I have the new coach's site set up, but I need to work on getting it into the template I've found. I will set up a new link to the new site. If you are wanting to log in I will leave a test login at the end of this blog. I will put up a screenshot of the template I am using as well. My plan is to make the current main form of the coach's site and make that into the side bar that can be collapsed. The navbar would then allow you to navigate to add a new player to the database, email a reminder and a link of the survey to the athletes, delete a graduated athlete, and logout. The main page would mostly be blank(most likely some sort of greeting or instruction) unless the coach has requested information. The only other thing I need to do is try to make it so when the coach is viewing one athlete they can add another one. I am going to get these things done by the end of the weekend at the latest and get working on my presentation as well. Once those are done I am going to touch up this website.
Test Coach id: geenk1 password: testing
Dr. Diederich and I were able to meet yesterday and get the survey to show up nicely on a mobile phone. With this major step done I need to redo the coaches website and make sure it works on an ipad. I want to change the coach's site so that after you log in you are prompted as to what kind of data you want to see. After making those selections you will get sent to the page where all the data will be processed and shown to the coach. At the top I will have a logout button as well as a home page button as well. I'm hoping to find a nice template to follow to make the resizing a bit easier. I think this simpler coaches website will be easy to use and easy to create. I also updated my website to have links to both the sample survey and the current coach site. I just now discovered the bootstrap table class as well, which will definitely help with me highlighting player information.
I was able to do a little bit of research on an auto notification system. I found a few free gmail extensions that can set automatic messages, but then I wouldn't be able to do custom URLs. I don't think it would be the worst thing in the world for if athletes had to enter their id, but it would be a bit tedious to do everyday. Tuesday Ann and I are going to get some work done and I am going to get my survey sending information correctly and highlighting players. I will also add and ERD to my blog soon, but I will first look for a better program than draw.io. I also wrote my title and abstract and I will have them below.
Title: SNC Athletics Stress Survey & Database
Abstract: SNC Athletics wants a nice and easy way to survey their athletes stress on a weekly basis. I am in charge of making a mobile and user friendly survey that the athletes will receive in a notification each day. The survey will send the athletes answers to a database where they will be stored. In order for the coaches to access the information I have created a website that allows them to see the data and make decisions off of it. The hope is that SNC Athletics will be able to use this survey and database to more easily assess how their athletes are doing on a day to day basis
I haven't been able to get anything done for my project, and I won't be able to do much over Easter break. Over the break I am going to focus my efforts on researching different things. My hope is that I will have everything conceptually figured out and I just need to implement things. I mostly need to research customized links, automated messaging, and general CSS things.
I have been looking at W3 Schools a lot for help with SQL things and HTML things, and I've starting to like the way their website is set up. I think it could be cool to have a side bar on the coaches website that allows access to summaries at a click. Since I am breaking down the raw data a good bit I think less summaries will be needed. I think I will need a summary for specific players, team averages, then maybe an at risk players section. Since I want this to work well on a tablet as well I would have the buttons be fairly large, and I would want the option to close the sidebar. I have attached an image below.
I was able to split the table of raw data into a daily split. Below is an image of how one of those days would look including a highlighted person indicating that they want a meeting.
Progress has been slow because of spring break, but now I am ready to get back into things again. I met with Dr. Diederich on 3/23 and he had some good ideas like splitting the raw data up so it is a bit easier to look at. He also suggested highlighting things that are noteworthy. He also suggested I take screenshots of sites that I like, but I am also going to get examples of things I dislike as well.
Today I got a bunch of sample data into my database. I also figured out how to get the slider value to show up on the page as well. I also noticed that the spacing issue I was having went away, so I am glad that the random bit flips can work in my favor. I also decided that I am going to actually update my about me.
Finally after hours of work the radio buttons are working again. I'm not sure how, but the label was moved around the radio button which stopped it from recognizes the label. Once I moved the label elements it worked again. I'm glad this headache is over and I can finally work on other things knowing that this is working.
Now for some reason the radio buttons are spaced further apart when it is uploaded to the server versus my computer.
The images below show this issue.
I have all the commands ready to make my entities, and I have added another entity. I think it would be ridiculous to store a student's name, email, and phone number with every day they fill out the survey so making another entity for those would be less redundant. Today my plan is to get my entities made and get sample data entered in. I am going to enter one entry into each of the tables myself, but I am hoping I can make a file that Dr. Diederich can upload instead of manually entering everything. I still haven't fixed my radio buttons, and I am still not sure why they broke in the first place. I am hoping to get those fixed by the end of this week as well. I have entered in all of my tables and have one row of data in each table. I am going to work on radio buttons for the rest of today, but I will work on a CSV file to get more data into the database.
I've been learning that balancing this project with other classwork is going to be harder than originally expected, and it might knock me slightly off schedule. If all things go to plan I will get a good bit of things done this week so I can take it easy in the next ones, but I won't be able to get much work done until after tuesday though. I really appreicate any and all feedback!
Today I met with Dr. Diederich. He created the database and now I need to set it up. I think I am going to get the barebones of the coach website up before I focus on the database. I will need to refresh myself on the databases and the best ways to manipulate them, thankfully I kept everything from 330. Diederich also showed me the utility of bootstrap and it will change how my websites look forever. I also changed the survey on this website. I changed it to a link to the survey, and until the survey is functioning I will keep it that way. Once the survey is functional I will make a copy of it and put it on here. I will also link the coaches website once I get that set up.
The biggest thing I was able to do this week was get my student survey website up and ready. I have the questions down and the little help buttons working. For a while I couldn't get the help buttons to work inside of the form. This is because the buttons were being treated as submit buttons, so instead I used JavaScript to listen for a click on the button. The current thing I'm stuck on is making sure that the user actually filled out the survey before submitting it. I am trying to implement php for this, but it isn't working right now. I want to make it look a little bit nicer before sending a link to Morgan the athletics liason. I haven't worked on any of the mobile aspects of it and I need to start looking into it soon. My next step is to get the database setup and start linking the survey to it. Thinking about it already I think I am going to have to have some sort of identification on the survey. I was thinking of gathering the student athletes 6 letter snc login and just take that in order to send the results to the right place in the database. I don't think I would need the students to actually login, and it would be easier for them if they didn't have to. I don't think they would need to login because no information is being told to the student when they take the survey.
I wasn't able to get any work done on my project due to other classwork, but today I am going to make my timeline and hopefully stay on track for it the entire rest of the semester. I am usually pretty bad at following timelines, so having some deadlines for myself will be helpful. I am hoping that by the end of the week I have a proper survey site set up for Morgan to check off on.
Today was our mini poster board day. I learned a lot about other people's projects and got a little bit of feedback on my own. I know for each of my summaries that it would be useful to include averages. I also got the suggestion to look into using Google Chats in order to communicate with athletes and coaches. One thing I haven't solved yet is what to do with multiple sport athletes.
2/8/2023After meeting with Morgan I am a bit more confident with where I am heading. I am very relieved that she doesn't want me to ask all the questions on the spreadsheet. I have constructed a new prototype based off of what Morgan said. I have a vague idea of the questions I am going to ask. I want the questions to be very vague, but elaboration is easily within reach if you need it. I think when students first fill out the survey they should get the full questions will full elaboration, but it may not be necessary. Having coaches add their own questions will muddy the waters a little bit, but hopefully they think of easy to answer questions as well. I have a handwritten ERD just because it is simple and an easy way for others to imagine the database for the mini poster boards.
Today Dr. Diederich and I will be meeting with Morgan Stacey in order to talk about the project and make proper introductions. After the meeting I am going to prepare my mini poster board. I am hoping that she will be able to give me the information I need in order to get the survey completely written and have a sample website up soon.
Today I am meeting with Diederich to discuss my project. I am also working on prototype websites and making them look a little neater. I also don't think Alterus would be a good idea at all. After a bit more research bulkSMS is a paid option, but it is an effective and well-known option. I'm not sure what the costs could be, but I will continue to look into a free way of doing it myself. I think the bulkSMS API would work for what I want to do if it becomes the only option. We have decided to sideline the text messaging for now and I will focus on getting other things up and running. I am getting my website into full working order and added my Resume and a philosophy statement. I have sent the email to Morgan Stacey to plan a meeting with her as well.
I’m setting up my blog site so that once compsci04 is up I can upload it immediately.
I found a really good resource to potentially making my own automated text message service. Here is the link. I think I am going to have to figure out some way to create a service of my own, which is seeming like the hardest part right now. I’ll do more research throughout the week to figure out how difficult it’ll actually be. I want to get a better idea of what information athletics wants to gather, so I can start tailoring the website. I have a low-fidelity prototype, but it’s just two questions with radio buttons. I figure radio buttons would be easiest since most athletes will be filling this out on their phones. I think incorporating my own automated text messaging service would be really helpful. Instead of giving a wall of text on a website I can set certain criteria(or coaches can) that can be triggered by responses on the website that then sends a text. For example, if an athlete is feeling very stressed and they say it is because of their social life it would send them links to SNC therapy and other sources that could help resolve said issues. Maybe meet with Campus Safety/ITS to see how the Alertus system works.