Update: Remote Server

After a bit of research and some minor code changes my server program is now capable of running on a remote server (compsci04) and my client is able to connect to that remote point. So far it is only one client connecting. The biggest challenge with going remote was that the server runs on linux and I have never attempted to run an application on linux before. Luckily microsoft new was kind enough to make sure that any .NET application (most apps made in Visual Studio) can be run on any OS. To do this all I had to do was go to build in Visual Studio and click publish. In the publish menu I chose to send to a local file and then I copied the generated publish folder to compsci04. Once you have the publish folder on compsci04 cd your way into the publish folder and run the command: dotnet YourProjectName.dll. You might get an error saying that the .NET versions do not line up but telling the server to roll your code forward should fix this. That command is: dotnet –roll-forward Major YourProgram.dll.






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